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Semantic search

Show me all of the pumps made by Acme after 2015 in the compounding plant, serviced in January, that have had high upstream pressure spikes lasting more than one minute in the last 4 months.

Here is a list of the 4 pumps that match your query:

Define a filter to find all pumps made by Acme after 2015 in the compounding plant. You can use the asset metadata to filter on the manufacturer and year of manufacture. You can also filter based on the asset's location or the asset hierarchy to restrict the search pumps in the compounding plant. For example you can a filter like this:

Equipment IDManufacturerLocationDate servicedUpstream pressureHighest spike (>1 min)
Pump21-PT-1019AcmeCompoundingJanuary 15, 20234.1 bar08:50:43 January 14, 2023
Pump21-PT-1021AcmeCompoundingJanuary 15, 20233.8 bar09:20:32 February 1, 2023
Pump21-PT-2019AcmeCompoundingJanuary 20, 20233.9 bar14:10:02 March 2, 2023
Pump21-PT-4020AcmeCompoundingJanuary 28, 20232.9 bar18:00:04 March 2, 2023

Content generation

Calculate the excess power consumption in megawatts of our Oslo manufacturing plant over the past week

Okay, here is a calculation for the excess power consumption of the Oslo plant this week

Excess power consumption in Oslo: 2.984 MWh

A dynamically calculated time series that returns the total excess consumption at Oslo plant for the time range in view.

Can you perform the same calculation across our Austin, Tokyo and Oslo sites? And show me the total across all 3 sites in Euros?

Certainly, this is the total excess power consumption cost across Oslo, Austin and Tokyo.

Excess power consumption across Oslo, Austin and Tokyo: $566.95

A dynamically calculated time series that returns the total excess consumption from across Oslo, Austin and Tokyo

Code generation

What are the required steps to perform the following using GraphQL?

Create an inspection order for all pumps made by Acme after 2015 in the compounding plant, serviced in January, that have had high upstream pressure spikes lasting longer than one minute in the last 4 months.

Here are the following steps you can follow to perform this task

Define a filter to find all pumps made by Acme after 2015 in the compounding plant. You can create a query like this:


listPump(filter: {and [{manufacturer: {eq:'Acme'}}, {year_of_manufacture: {gt: 2015}}, {plant: {eq: 'compound'}}]}) {
items {

Note: You can define any items you would like. name and description is just an example.

Automatic summarization

Summarize the findings of the latest maintenance report for equipment 21-PT-1019. Did it resolve the issue we had during last week's production cycle?

Here is a summary of the maintenance report that Johan Hansen submitted on Monday, March 20th:

The last breakdown on March 17th was the result of a faulty seal, which ultimately caused a leak.

The seal was replaced and the equipment now seems to be functioning as expected. Issue resolved, pending follow-up inspection next week.


  • P&ID
  • Image of compounding matching after repair
  • Connected time-series
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